The Pathway to Your Goals is Paved by Priority

Photo by Bich Tran

At a recent goal-setting workshop, the attendees and I reflected on the obstacles that most frequently hindered our progress in achieving the goals we had set for ourselves over the past six months. While lack of time management was frequently cited as one of the primary obstacles, it was followed closely by financial constraints, bouts of self-doubt (imposter syndrome), and unforeseen life circumstances that derailed many from their well-intentioned plans to achieve their goals. Every one of these obstacles — financial constraints, self-doubt, unforeseen circumstances — undoubtedly holds validity and resonates with many of us, myself included. However, at the core of these obstacles lies a fundamental challenge: effective time management.
How we choose to invest our energy and time within each 24-hour day directly impacts our rate of success, achievement, and feelings of personal fulfillment. Each new day presents an opportunity to allocate our time purposefully and intentionally. Perceived “time management” troubles often stem not from a lack of time itself, but from a misalignment of priorities, unwillingness to change unhelpful habits, lack of boundaries, or lack of focus. By consciously defining our highest “Return-on-Investment” activities, and then relentlessly protecting time for what matters most by holding our boundaries, we take charge of our lives in a way that not only sets…

