5 Ways Old Souls Can Find Happiness

Photo by Anthony from Pexels

I was 9 years old in 1998, sitting in my room alone in front of my new giant black FM radio cassette player scanning through the channels, excited to try it out before heading to the bus stop. Upon turning it on, Britney Spears’ newest single “Hit Me Baby One More Time” started blaring through the speakers forcing me to continue my search. “sssss…” the sound of static and distant voices made way as I continued to try and find another clear station. Soon, the overplayed Backstreet Boy’s song made its way through the static “BackStreet’s back, alright!” I remember getting increasingly more frustrated that all I could find was new pop music (I mean, it was okay, but only okay. I just didn’t vibe with the popular music at the time). Suddenly, a whimsical sound filtered through the speakers in caressed my ears. “…We all live in a Yellow Submarine, a yellow submarine”…I paused. What was this magic?! I continued to listen intently. I ran to my Mom, eagerly pulling her into my bedroom before the song ended. “WHO IS THIS?” I accidentally yelled at her. This was at a time before Google existed, and phones didn’t have access to the internet, so it was crucial I ask someone nearby before the song changed. “Honey, that’s the Beatles, this song is called the Yellow Submarine,” she said in a perplexed way that indicated she didn’t understand my excitement. That was the day my life changed forever (Strawberry Fields Forever?), and I knew I was different. I was soon to discover that I would be forever pegged, an Old Soul.

Being an Old Soul has turned out to be amazing in so many ways. Along your journey, you meet wonderful people who share your spirit, and you understand the world in an entirely unique way. However, there is a downside; you often don’t fit in with your peers. Your interests typically differ from the majority, and you often feel misunderstood.

So here are some tips I’ve found to help me in my pursuit of happiness as an Old Soul in hopes that you find your truest and purest happiness along your journey!

First, Travel More.

If you’re anything like me, you feel smothered easily. 2020 was challenging in many ways, and most of the discomfort was a result of being stuck indoors. Traveling is freeing. It reminds you that your soul is free and puts you back in the control seat of your life, which is incredibly important to an OS. We love feeling ‘in awe’ and the beauty and intrigue of new places never cease to liven our soul. Traveling and nomadic movement, in general, opens up opportunities that stagnant living can deplete. This leads me to my next tip….find others like you.

Find fellow Old Souls

It can feel lonely when you are surrounded by people who don’t see life the same way you do. Now, that’s to say to only have friends or acquaintances that are Old Souls, because variety and diversity adds a whole ton of other benefits, love, and perspectives that are crucial. However, for the purpose of happiness and contentment, it’s important that you ALSO find people that are in alignment with who you are and how you think so that you can achieve a sense of belonging, and feel understood on a deeper level. Plus, it furthers your ability to accept who you are, when you see others like you. This leads us to my final note…

Be who you are, authentically.

Old Souls have so much to offer the world! They generally have a deep-rooted humbleness, a caring heart, and an ability to connect with the world that others do not. This can come at a cost. The need to fit in is a basic human need, and that need may try to persuade you to hide parts of yourself in order to fit in or be like others around you. (Although, most of us don’t do that well, nor do we generally want to). The point here is that you accept yourself for who and how you are, and you wear it vibrantly! Your uniqueness will act as a beacon for others, not only showing them that it’s okay for them to be themselves, but you will attract your vibe tribe, naturally.

Last Thoughts

I love being who I am, and there have been droughts in my life where acceptance was sparse. It was in those moments that I learned to love myself so much, and in doing so, those that were meant to be in my circle showed up. I want the same for all of my readers. You get to be you, and that’s exciting! Old Soul or not, be you! Even if you’re in a drought of those who see you for all your worth. So, go out and travel, take pictures, find others like you, and embrace who you are, you lovely Old Soul!

With love and understanding,

Amber Summer

